Winner, winner, phishing dinner: 3 types of email scams on the rise

Phishing: Whether your knowledge of the subject amounts to the special at the local seafood joint or you fancy yourself a tech-savvy business owner, you must be aware of the implications behind email-driven threats. if you don’t know what a phishing email is, think of it like this: Imagine an innocent-looking email from a vendor, … Read more

Press Release: Leap Cloud Solutions Partners with Huntress Labs

We are pleased to announce Leap Cloud Solutions is partnering with Huntress Labs to deliver even better cyber security to our small business customers. Given our experience, we understand more than anyone how important it is to have a strong security posture. From day one, we’ve employed the use of industry-standard best practices + technologies such as … Read more

Google and Yahoo tell business email customers to get their SPF together

Starting this month, a significant shift is on the horizon for companies reliant on mass emailing via Google or Yahoo. Businesses must adopt Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC), for any volume exceeding 5,000 emails. This move, spearheaded by Google and Yahoo, is prodding all companies who use branded email to clean up their … Read more

Windows 11 Moment 5 is here: Here’s what you need to know

Introduction Microsoft is poised to launch its latest Windows 11 update, aptly named “Moment 5” or the “February 24 Moment.” This eagerly awaited update is expected to bring a slew of significant enhancements sure to tickle your tech fancy. Notably, Microsoft is transitioning to annual updates for Windows 11, signaling the end of the frequent … Read more

CoPilot for Microsoft 365 lands in Canada – with a thud

Good news – CoPilot for Microsoft 365 is finally available for Canadian customers, hooray! The caveat? It costs $488 per user, per year. Ouch. That’ll leave a mark. How is Microsoft attempting to justify this latest encroachment on the Small Business owner’s wallet? It’s possible they are betting on Enterprise clients to fill the gap. … Read more

“Zoomers” are feeling stressed, but this time it’s not menu anxiety that’s to blame

Heard the one about Zoomers short circuiting over a menu? Well, that’s not what this is about. I’m not talking about “Zoomers” per se, but ZOOM users. Which is all of us, regrettably. The virtual meeting, once a novelty, has become somewhat of an unwelcome and permanent fixture in our lives. As if we needed … Read more

Why gamble with your IT investment?

“I’m tired of IT systems that are operating poorly. Tired of expensive & limited solutions that don’t scale with the business. Tired of support applying short-term bandaids to long-term problems. I want a solution that scales without any IT hassles. I want technology to be an aid, not a burden. And I want a team of experts I trust to lead the way. I’m ready.”

Well said. Let's make that happen.