Tired of Juggling Passwords? Here’s the Ultimate Solution

Are you overwhelmed by managing countless passwords? You’re not alone. Around one in four people share this struggle. The problem isn’t just the number of passwords but the security risks they introduce. If you don’t consider yourself a cybersecurity expert, don’t worry – most people aren’t. Weak and easily guessable passwords, and reusing passwords across … Read more

Protect your biz while browsing: New Edge features keep your business data secure

Microsoft Edge for Business now offers advanced data leak control capabilities, essential for safeguarding your sensitive information. Understanding Data Leak Control Capabilities Data leak control capabilities help to prevent unauthorized access to your sensitive information. Think of them as an extra layer of security on your digital doors and Windows (pun intended), ensuring that only … Read more

Are Your Employees Reporting Security Issues Promptly… or Not at All?

In today’s IT landscape, awareness of security-related issues is critical to safeguarding your business. Despite the dazzling array of cybersecurity technologies available, your employees are still your first line of defense. Many organizations don’t realize the importance of encouraging employees to report potential cyber threats as soon as they become aware of them – this … Read more

Most Vancouver businesses are investing in proactive cyber security – are you?

Are you a small business owner in Vancouver? More BC businesses are making the smart move to invest in cybersecurity defenses. However, stats show that about half of SMBs still lack the necessary cybersecurity measures to protect themselves. If your business is among them, it’s time to act now and avoid being left behind. Cybersecurity … Read more

Save Yourself from Embarrassing Video Call Interruptions with this new Teams feature

Imagine you’re on a crucial video call with a client, presenting your latest project updates without a hitch. Suddenly, a notification pops up: your spouse is having a live breakdown over the chaos your child caused at school this morning, or worse, a reminder from the gym that says “Hey! We haven’t seen you in … Read more

Prevent Email Fails with Outlook’s new Undo Send feature

In today’s tech dependent workplace, sending an email is as common as breathing. However, we all know the sinking feeling of hitting ‘Send’ too quickly and realizing there’s a glaring typo or, worse, accidentally including the wrong recipient. Enter Microsoft’s new Undo Send feature in Outlook, designed to save you from these common email blunders. … Read more

Teams gets an AI-powered productivity boost thanks to CoPilot

If maximizing productivity within your team is your top priority (and who the HECK doesn’t want THAT?), you’ll be thrilled to hear about the new CoPilot AI enhancements in Microsoft Teams. Think: you’re deep into a Teams meeting, and EVERYONE wants to share their ideas. Even the world’s best note-taker can’t possibly capture everything. That’s … Read more

SMBs are having a slugfest with malware. How does your business stack up?

Malware attacks are hitting small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) harder than ever before. While most businesses understand the obvious need for cyber protection, what many *don’t* understand is that a good ol’ antivirus just isn’t enough to protect against hackers anymore. So if you’re one of those businesses running the same old cyber strategy you’ve … Read more

Beef up your productivity with Edge’s top features

Enhancing productivity is an ongoing quest for business professionals everywhere. From accelerating workflows to fine-tuning communications, every enhancement counts. Maximizing the potential of existing tools is vital, and your web browser should be no exception. Luckily, Microsoft Edge on Windows 11 is here to “save the day” – as in, save you oodles of time. … Read more

Why gamble with your IT investment?

“I’m tired of IT systems that are operating poorly. Tired of expensive & limited solutions that don’t scale with the business. Tired of support applying short-term bandaids to long-term problems. I want a solution that scales without any IT hassles. I want technology to be an aid, not a burden. And I want a team of experts I trust to lead the way. I’m ready.”

Well said. Let's make that happen.