The hidden danger of browser extensions

If you’re like us, you use your web browser every day. While browsing the web has become synonymous with “Googling stuff”, for many people the browser has evolved beyond search – it’s now a centralized tool for getting things done. Enter browser extensions. Designed to save time, automate tasks and personalize your surfing experience, these … Read more

Do you need to back up OneDrive / SharePoint Online?

Over the last few years, there’s been a dramatic shift in how businesses store data.

More and more companies are dumping their dusty old file servers in favor of the cloud.

But getting rid of your hardware doesn’t mean you can stop worrying about it.

In this article, we’ll tell you why having a backup of your online cloud data isn’t just important – it’s critical.

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5 things you can do right now to protect your business from cyber threats

With so many high-profile cyber attacks taking place, many business owners are wondering whether their business is safe. And let’s face it – everyone depends on technology these days, so cause for concern is warranted. Here are 5 things you can do right now to help guard your business against cyber disasters. 1. Don’t fall … Read more

7 money saving tech tips to help your business thrive

IT costs breaking the bank? It’s no secret that technology can be costly. Fear not! Here are 7 money saving tech tips from Leap Cloud Solutions™ to help your business thrive. 1. Get your head in the cloud Moving to the cloud can save you a lot of money. By converting your annual software expenses … Read more

When is it time to hire a Managed IT Service Provider?

Leap Cloud Solutions provides business IT Services & Support in Metro Vancouver. If you’re a small business owner and your business is growing, when is it considered a good time to upgrade to a managed IT solution? If your situation matches one of these scenarios, it might be time to consider upgrading to a professional … Read more

What to do if your company gets hit with ransomware

What is ransomware? Seen the headlines lately? Cyber attacks are all over the news. From airports to hospitals and even hotel door locks, there’s a technology pandemic affecting businesses around the globe. Ransomware (as the name implies), is a malicious computer program that locks down the data on an unsuspecting company’s network, making their data … Read more

Why gamble with your IT investment?

“I’m tired of IT systems that are operating poorly. Tired of expensive & limited solutions that don’t scale with the business. Tired of support applying short-term bandaids to long-term problems. I want a solution that scales without any IT hassles. I want technology to be an aid, not a burden. And I want a team of experts I trust to lead the way. I’m ready.”

Well said. Let's make that happen.