Locked, loaded and held at datapoint: what you need to know about Ransomware

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Ransomware is a serious threat. One click on a bad link, and your entire business could be locked up tight. Customer data, financial records—gone, unless you pay up.

This is how it works: A phishing email looks legit, you click, and malicious software gets installed. Criminals then encrypt your files and demand a ransom for the decryption key. Pay it, and there’s no guarantee you’ll get your data back. Worse, you’re funding their next attack.

Ransomware surged in 2023, breaking records after a two-year decline. The rise of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) has made it easier for criminals to get into the game, leading to a 75% jump in victims posted on data leak sites.

Attackers are evolving. They deploy ransomware within 48 hours of gaining access and often strike when you’re least prepared. The fallout? Financial losses, downtime, recovery costs, lost data, a damaged reputation, and disrupted business operations.

So, how do you defend your business?

1. Educate your team—make sure they know how to spot phishing attempts.

2. Back up data regularly and store those backups offline.

3. Keep software up to date and invest in top-tier security tools.

4. Limit data access to only those who need it.

5. Monitor your network for unusual activity and have a rapid response plan.

If ransomware hits, don’t panic. Work with cybersecurity experts. And remember—paying the ransom might seem like a tempting option when your feet are being held to the fire, but only serves to empower the criminals.

We help businesses protect their data before it’s too late. If you need a solution, get in touch.

Responsive. Proactive. Leap Cloud Solutions.

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Well said. Let's make that happen.